Deep Dives Sessions provide you with the opportunity to delve deeply into a theme of your choice. Throughout three sessions, I offer a professional and supportive space for us to explore your chosen theme. Each session is tailored specifically to address your theme and your individual needs. During these sessions, you can expect to engage your body, mind, and soul, explore your inner world, and bring your unconscious thoughts into consciousness. These deep dive sessions may involve meeting different parts of yourself, such as your higher self, exploring specific obstacles, nurturing your inner child, and more.

This offering includes an initial discussion to establish the foundations for our sessions, a guided process of exploration and unpacking together and a follow-up session.

One- off Deep Dives

In-Person Session

Time: 1 - 1.5 hours x 3 sessions

Cost: $600

Online Session

Time: 1-1.5 hours 3 x sessions

Cost: $500